Asid Lemak Omega 3 Penting Untuk Ibu Hamil dan Menyusu

Gambar di atas ialah gambar Suplemen Omega Guard Shaklee, suplemen minyak ikan terbaik di dunia, bebas merkuri dan mempunyai kandungan DHA dan EPA yang tinggi bersesuaian dengan keperluan tubuh seorang dewasa. Bonusnya, Omega Guard boleh diambil berasingan mengikut dos yang diperlukan.

Masa pregnant yang pertama 4 tahun lebih yang lalu, saya belum kenal Shaklee, tapi sudah tahu kepentingan minyak ikan untuk perkembangan minda dan kognitif bayi. Cuma, saya lupa bahawa saya sendiri sebagai ibu pun memerlukan asid lemak Omega 3 dengan DHA ini. Saya ambil dalam kadar minimum dan selepas melahirkan, saya berhenti ambil suplemen minyak ikan. Sayangnya, kerana tidak cukup ilmu. Tapi teruk jugalah saya menghadapi penyakit 'lupa'. Boleh dikatakan ingatan jangka pendek saya sangat lemah. Masa tu dah mula risau kalau-kalau tak dapat siapkan MA sebab rasa dah jadi pelupa. 

In sha Allah, kali ini saya akan ambil suplemen Omega Guard Shaklee ini apabila masuk trimester yang ke-2 iaitu 4bulan kandungan sehingga melahirkan, seterusnya sewaktu menyusukan. Kenapa tak ambil waktu timester pertama? Sewaktu trimester yang pertama, suplemen yang sangat diperlukan untuk pertumbuhan janin ialah asid folik untuk pembentukan saraf tunjang dan vitamin-vitamin asas seperti B-Complex untuk saraf, Vita-lea (multivitamin),Vitamin C dan kalsium untuk tulang. Selain itu, janin pada usia awal kehamilan ini sangat sensitif dan ibu hamil tidak digalakkan untuk mengambil suplemen yang terlalu banyak dan mempunyai kesan sampingan. Misalnya minyak ikan mempunyai fungsi untuk mencairkan darah, jadi wajarlah dielakkan pada trimester yang pertama bagi mengelakkan risiko keguguran. Namun apabila masuk trimester ke-2 dan ke-3, asid lemak Omega 3 ini sangat diperlukan untuk perkembangan bayi yang lebih kompleks termasuklah visual, otak dan kognitif bayi.

Berikut merupakan pendapat Dr.Bradley R.West:

What makes a healthy baby?

A healthy mom who prepares her body’s nutrient stores as adequately as she can prior to conception. In addition to taking a prenatal vitamin, women must consider including a prenatal omega-3 fatty acid supplement, as well. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fats, with EPA and DHA, found in fish, being the most critical.

When should I start taking omega-3′s and for how long?

A pure, high quality omega-3 fish oil should be included in a woman’s supplement regimen before and during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding. Both EPA and DHA are important, but DHA is particularly important throughout pregnancy and during the early stages of an infant’s life. These omega-3 fats are called essential fats because they are not synthesized by the body and must be obtained through diet or supplementation. Women should allow at least six months prior to conception to build up this important essential fat and also consider that multiple pregnancies, especially those that are close together, can deplete the mother’s store of omega-3 fatty acids, and DHA in particular.

Can’t I just eat fish every day?

Actually no; the FDA and Environmental Protection Agency have advised women who may become pregnant, nursing mothers, and young children to avoid certain types of fish because of heavy metals and other environmental contaminants. So, this creates a problem for women who are avoiding fish precisely when they need DHA the most. Supplementation with fish oil has become a trusted source for a safe and pure way to obtain EPA and DHA.

What does DHA do for my baby?

DHA is essential to ensure optimal fetal brain, eye, immune and nervous system development. Taking omega-3 fatty acids pre-conception is important, but remember that keeping levels sufficient during the entire pregnancy is also important. DHA decreases throughout pregnancy in the mother as it is selectively transferred to the fetus. In the third trimester, the largest amount of brain development takes place and DHA is transferred at even higher rate from mother to baby at this time. This redistribution of DHA is essential to ensure optimal fetal brain, eye, immune and nervous system development but can leave the mother depleted and at risk for problems associated with essential fatty acids deficiency, such as post partum depression.

Is DHA really that important after delivery?

Yes, after delivery a mother’s level of DHA can remain low as breastfeeding transmits her reserves of DHA to the breast milk for baby. The need for DHA remains critical for your new baby through two years of age as brain development continues through this time. According to researchers at the University of Kansas, infants born to mothers with higher blood levels of DHA at delivery had advanced levels of attention spans well into their second year of life. During the first 6 months, these infants were 2 months ahead of babies whose mothers had lower DHA levels. According to lead researcher in this study, John Colombo, PhD, attention is considered an important component of intelligence early in life.

Kesimpulannya, Asid Lemak Omega 3 bukan sahaja penting untuk perkembangan bayi, malah sangat penting untuk si ibunya sekali. Elakkan menjadi pelupa selepas kelahiran anak anda kerana menjadi seorang ibu merupakan satu tanggungjawab yang sangat penting dan memerlukan komitmen yang tinggi. Jangan tak percaya jika saya katakan ada ibu yang lupa menutup suis iron, lupa bagaimana cara memandu kereta, lupa dah solat atau belum malah lupa nak ambil anak sendiri di rumah babysitter. Betapa seriusnya penyakit lupa di kalangan ibu-ibu yang baru melahirkan ini.

Set Suplemen Ibu Mengandung Shaklee

Trimester 1:
Vita-lea (multivitamin)
Vita-C Plus
Ostematrix (kalsium magnesium)

Trimester 2&3:
Vita-lea (multivitamin)
Vita-C Plus
OsteMatrix (kalsium magnesium)
Omega Guard

Pertanyaan? Hubungi:

MAIA (SID 918631)
SMS: 012 3302067
FB FANPAGE: Min-Aina-Ila-Aina

* MAIA merupakan pengedar Shaklee yang sah dan menerima pembelian secara Cash on Delivery (COD) atau Self Pickup di kawasan Bandar Seri Putra, Bandar Bukit Mahkota, Bangi Lama, KUIS, UKM dan Bandar Baru Bangi. Caj penghantaran akan dikenakan bergantung pada jarak kawasan. Penghantaran melalui pos boleh dibuat ke seluruh Malaysia termasuk Sabah dan Sarawak.